Cool Links

The internet is a wonderful place. It is filled with information and fun for everything. It can be overwhelming at times. If you’re trying to learn a new hobby or interest the first place you will look is the internet. Here are some links that I go to daily for fun, information and boredom.



9gag-logoIf you are bored out of your mind and need some mindless internet surfing, this is the place to do it. 9gag is a collection of pictures, memes, gifs and youtube videos of things people have found on the internet. I prefer 9gag over Reddit because of the lack structure. It doesn’t heavily categorize the content and you don’t have to click on anything, which is a big deal if you are bored and feeling extremely lazy. You take one finger to scroll down all the pictures, bound to find something interesting. If you wish to delve in further, click on the picture and it will take you into a discussion trend where people will discuss the subject. For mindless entertainment and time killing, 9gag is your best bet.



Motortrend-logoWhat’s the best way to strike up a conversation with a fellow man you’ve never met before at a party and are forced to forge an unbreakable relationship because he’s your girlfriend’s best friend’s boyfriend? Cars are one of the most universal man hobbies ever. If he has a y chromosome, chances are, he knows something about cars. You don’t want to be a deer in headlights when all of the men around you talk about the future of automotive genius or how big their engines are in their custom Honda Civic SI. I present Motortrend. A site, spawned from their magazine back in 1949, where you can learn about all types of vehicles and their workings in an entertaining matter. From trucks and daily commuter cars, to commercial vehicles and million dollar luxury rocketship cars, there is so much to learn in the automotive world. Their youtube channel is full of content with different shows. It is a great combination of informative content as well as humorous content. Remember, there is no replacement for displacement.



kijiji logoDon’t feel like paying full retail prices for something new? Kijiji has you covered.  Kijiji is the classified site for all of Canada. You can find ads for stuff on sale from people who no longer need them. Got something you don’t use anymore? Post an ad on Kijiji and get someone to buy it from you. You can get anything under the sun on Kijiji. From clothing to houses and even jobs, it’s a great place to get what you need without paying for a new one. One man’s trash is another man’s treasure.



These are just some of the sites I like to explore on my free time. They help me in my daily life or enhance the interests of my hobbies. I hope I sparked some new interests in you, now go out there into the universe of the internet and find your own cool links.